Sunday, February 20, 2011


Well, shoot. I forgot to post yesterday. Oh well. I'll post two today to make up for it. Why not just leave it? Because the numbers would bug me. And yes, it does make a difference.
I'll use this post to tell you all about my day. Nothing of note really happened, but I can still talk about it. I woke up at six-thirty to my alarm talking about something stupid like erectile dysfunction, and without even waking up fully, I decided that I hadn't gotten enough sleep, so I set my alarm for another half-hour. At seven, I woke up again, and actually got out of bed. I figured out what I was going to wear, put it on, and then dealt with my hair and makeup. I gathered my things together, and then had a bowl of cereal while I played around on the interwebs. Then Daddy and I left, got to church, and I had band rehearsal. Then I played (like I always do) in service, and then I just waited around for the second service to be over. Then I had lunch with the rest of my choir, then we had rehearsal, and then I came home. Like I said, nothing noteworthy, but it's still something to talk about.

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