Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tired Fluffy Bunnies

Once again, I am awake much to early. Well, to be fair, this is around the time I SHOULD be waking up, but I much prefer my lazier wake-up-time of eight, or even nine o'clock. I should probably go get some breakfast... I have to leave in forty-five minutes after all...
Also, after having speed through A Conspiracy of Kings yesterday, I have to say that THAT is my second-favorite book. It would be number one, but there's not enough Eugenides in it to justify it.
I seem to be finishing a lot of things lately. 30 Rock, Conspiracy of Kings... Now I have very little to do... I've lost my obsessions! NOOOOO!!!!
Just kidding. I do have another book to obsess about: Kiss the Bride by Patrica (Meg) Cabot. My problem with this book, however, is like the rest of her novels, Cabot is primarily focusing on the romance. I like romance quite a bit, but when that's all you're looking at, you're missing a much larger picture. Sure, she has some other stuff thrown in there to keep most readers happy, but I really do prefer the fast-paced danger and excitement of Megan Whalen Turner's writing over Cabot's fluffy-bunny writing. Plus, while Cabot isn't anywhere near as famous as Rowling or Meyer, there's still a couple movies based off of her books, which means she's just a little too popular for my tastes.

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