Friday, February 25, 2011

Mopping with the Stars

Let's travel back to a subject that is much too close to my heart for comfort. Procrastination. I've checked off ONE thing on my to-do list, and that one thing is 'wake up'. That wasn't exactly hard to do. But there are five other things I could be doing right now, all of them more important than watching the fifth season of 30 Rock. Yes, it's hilarious. Yes, Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin are one of the world's greatest comedy duos right now. But if I don't get the floors mopped by the time my mother gets home, they're going to be mopped with my ass! Not that that would get them any cleaner, but still, it's the thought that counts.
And while 'blog' is on my t0-do list, I really should be doing something more productive. I have a monologue to memorize, a lead sheet to rewrite, and a keyboard that is in desperate need of attention. But what am I doing? Blogging while waiting for my episode of 30 Rock to load. I am certain that there is no one in this world that is better (or worse, depending) at procrastination than I. Even if I do manage to pull myself away from my lovely computer for a half hour, within two minutes I'll be reading a book rather than DOING something of use... I'm so bad...

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